Hi Idiots.

Keeping up with our theme of spookiness and all things that go bump in the night, this week we reached out to all of you to share some of your freaky ghost stories and you did not disappoint. Ghost story sharing is always such an interesting experience because there are so many people who do believe in ghosts, while there are plenty who don't and will explain away the spooky moments.


I'm not saying there is one right answer, but all I'll say is that it is far more entertaining to listen and lean into the stories than disregard them. Whether ghosts are real or not, ghost stories are plenty spooky. I, for one, love spooky, so I will always believe someone's story. Life is better when there's some wonder in the world.

I'll share one of my spookiest stories to start. Back when I was in high school, I woke up early to work on an English paper I had majorly procrastinated. As I was walking down the stairs, I entered the kitchen and saw the outline of a person illuminated by the moon and my blood went cold. I slowly backed up the stairs and told my mom someone was in the house, and she called the cops.


Once the cops arrived, they found the front door unlocked with no signs of entry or anyone leaving (it had freshly snowed outside). Spooooky. Now, let's hear some of you Idiot's most unnerving stories in 3...2...1...BOO! Sorry, I mean GO.

Free Beer and Hot Wings Listener Ghost Stories

Listeners share their spooky ghost stories with us.

Gallery Credit: Tommy McNeill

Free Beer and Hot Wings Listeners' Halloween Decorations

Whose decorations are better, The Shows or our Listeners?

Gallery Credit: Tommy McNeill

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