How Free Beer and Hot Wings Survive A Heat Wave
Hi Idiots.
I don't know about the rest of you, but here in Michigan, it is absurdly hot. We have had two cities break temperature records nearly 100 years old, and the temperature isn't going down anytime soon.
On one hand, it's great because the weather is going to be nice, but on the other hand, you're going to sweat your butt off (which is not so nice). The number one way people here in Michigan try to beat the heat is by going to good 'ol Lake Michigan for a swim.
But that isn't everyone's way of keeping cool, so I figured I would get some input from the others on how they attempt to stay cool or if they embrace the heat.
I don't think this is going to surprise anyone, but Kelly "definitely embraces" the hot temperatures.
I definietly embrace it. I lather on SPF and get to the beach or by the pool. If I get too hot, I jump in!
Hot Wings
Hot Wings does a little bit of both.
I try to embrace it by getting into the woods with some shade or heading out on the kayak, but if it's just too hot, I'm perfectly willing to give up on the outdoors and find some DIY project to tackle intdoors wher I have AC.
Maitlynn grew up on a lake, so she has no issue being in the heat.
I beat it by trying to get near water. I grew up on a lake so I try to link up with my friends who have boats, pools, etc. I embrace it because I'm always cold so sometimes I like to go out and feel the heat after being in air conditioning all day. I'm also obnoxiously pale so if the sun's out, I try to catch as much as I can without frying.
Steve & Free Beer
Steve, Free Beer, and I all avoid the heat in any way we can.
I definitely don't embrace it, but i'm much happier dealing with the heat than I am with the snow. AC, lots of water, ice cream...the usual.
I like the heat. But it's short trips, then back to the air conditioning.
What do you do when it's super hot out? Do you have a hack to stay cool? Let us know!
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