Hi Idiots.

The school was a cutthroat place where it was killed or be killed. Okay, that's a little extreme. When there are that many kids in the same area with one adult to look after them, high jinks are bound to ensue. Today's segment about the dumb reason your school had to call your parents was a major eye-opening in that school is basically the wild wild West.

StrattonPartners via YouTube
StrattonPartners via YouTube

At my school, we had one instance of tomfoolery that still sticks out to me. For a solid three weeks, the school turned into an entire black market of silly bands, those rubber bands in different shapes. I used to wear 12 Spiderman bands on one arm (because I was cool like that).

video store: young woman holding a dvd

However, that completely pales in comparison to Maitlynn, our show entrepreneur, who started her own DVD movie rental business at the ripe age of 10 years old. It seems Maitlynn has always been a savvy lady as she and her friends started renting out her parent's movies for $5 a pop. Here's her Ted Talk.

But that was only the tip of the iceberg, however. Here are some more stories from other Idiots.

From Tony:

Well my grandparents didn’t get a call about it because the school didn’t know I did it, but the entire school had letters sent home, in elementary school, I was probably 7 or 8 years old and curious, looked up porn on the library computer and got a virus through the school system, there was porn popping up on computers across the school out of nowhere and all of the computers was shut off for a few days


Pooped my pants in 1st grade but tried to hide it until the whole classroom smelled like poop. Some kid went around smelling everyone's seat and I ended up getting busted I remember the office lady calling my mom and saying I "had some dirt in his pants" and to come to get me.

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Gallery Credit: Tommy McNeill

Times Free Beer and Hot Wings Listeners Got Hurt In Dumb Ways

We asked you all to tell us the dumb ways you all got hurt and you didn't disappoint. Idiots.

Gallery Credit: Tommy McNeill

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