Free Beer and Hot Wings
The Payoff You’ve all Been Waiting For: Greggy Cheeks

A bit of a social media snafu turned into the highest-stakes round of "Paired With an Idiot on Friday" and now has led to our very own Free Beer being double-cheeked up in a thirst trap photo for the 'Gram.

In case you missed it, Kelly had shared a "photo dump" while we were on vacation with the first photo being a shot of her own dumptruck. Gregg went to share one of the photos from the set that he was tagged in, but sent the first one of Kelly's backside.

Of course, it sparked speculation from various internet "sleuths" but when Maitlynn suggested we all re-create the photo, we decided to take that and make a fun show bet out of it.

One thing lead to another, Free Beer got a screwjob list from Tommy for "Paired With an Idiot", karma did her thing, and behold, Free Beer's bodacious booty.

Read More: The Most High Stakes Game of ‘Paired With An Idiot’ Ever Played

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