Marilyn Almost Got Maitlynn In Major Trouble At The Club
Hi Idiots.
Few moments on this show are better than when we get to laugh at one of the show members in a state of embarrassment. We all make mistakes, it's part of being human.
However, when a mistake happens due to being brazenly overconfident in your abilities and, much like Icarus, you come crashing down to Earth in spectacular fashion, it becomes something you never forget.
This week we're wrapping up our series detailing times when our show members got a little too confident and paid the price for it aka hubris.
Today, we hear a tale about Maitlynn's drunk Alter-Ego, Marilyn, getting her in trouble...with the program director of our flagship station. WGRD.
Marilynn + Vodka Tonic = Yikes
On a fateful night many years ago, freshly 21 Maitlynn was getting her party on at a bachelorette party. At the time, she was working 3 jobs and rarely had a night off so she was taking full advantage of this night. She was fit, her hair was HAIRING, her makeup was on point. She was FEELING herself!
And by feeling herself, lets just say she was throwing back the vodka tonics and Marilyn was out in full force. Marilyn is a big time dancer. To the point that she accidentally shattered her glass and got shards of broken glass in her knee and to run away to get bandaged up.
You think that would be the embarrassing part of the story, right? Wrong. This where the overconfidence comes in. Not learning her lesson, "Walk This Way" by Aerosmith comes on and Marilyn charges to the front to dance to the song, only to drop too low to the floor and completely fall backwards...right in front of our boss Tommy Carroll, who was apparently leading the band that was playing.
As Marilyn's life flashed before her eyes, she sent a silent message to Tommy as she fell:
I'm okay, I'm sorry, please don't ever bring this up again.
And he never did, and no one has known about it since. So in all, Marilyn is one bold lady and Maitlynn paid for her actions. Let this be a lesson, y'all.
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