Hi Idiots.

Everyone is passionate about something. Some of us are proud of our passions, even turning them into entire careers, while others have a bit more hushed lips about them. Lucky (or unlucky) for all of you, we get paid to talk for a living. One could even say that one of our passions is to never shut up and to talk your ears off. It's an incredibly difficult task but we take it in stride.

Businessman shouting into a megaphone
Wavebreakmedia Ltd

During last week's Nashville live show, Free Beer asked the show what they thought they would be able to give an hour-long presentation on with little to no prep. We didn't go that in-depth on it, but we did get about 3 minutes straight of Hot Wings discussing fatherhood before FB cut him off.

READ MORE: Free Questions Hot Answers: Steve’s Past As A BMX Star

However, I thought it would be fun to revisit that topic and hear an actual answer. So, FB and Steve have stepped up to the lectern to discuss what they could, well, discuss.


For those of you unaware of Steve's totally rad past as a BMX rider, the photos below are all the evidence you need to agree that Steve could totally shred, brah. Due to his many years doing 360s and Abubuca's, he's pretty confident he could give a presentation on this.

I could easily do a 1-hour lecture on late 90s/early 2000s (mid school) BMX riding. That was pretty much my entire life for about 6 years and I have retained all of that knowledge, even though it’s been 25 years.

Steve McKiernan
Steve McKiernan

Free Beer

To the shock of no one, Free Beer is very confident he could give an hour lecture on the NBA during the '80s and '90s. Players, events, huge trades, all the fixings. Considering the man does sports commentating for fun on the side, not that I doubt Steve's abilities, but FB could almost 100% do this.

Free Beer
Gregg Daniels

How Free Beer and Hot Wings Would Do As Pilgrims in 1620

How I think each show member would fare if they were in 1620 trying to live in an unexplored world.

Gallery Credit: Tommy McNeill

These Are Free Beer and Hot Wings’ Biggest Fears

People suffer from a wide range of fears, ranging from a fear of needles (Trypanophobia) to a fear of flying (aerophobia). But what things do they show fear?

Gallery Credit: Tommy McNeill

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