What Steve Is Thankful For 2024
Hi Idiots.
The holidays are quickly approaching. A time when we celebrate one another and you may be getting together with the family. While this can be a wonderful time to see people you haven't in a while, it can also be a tense and sad time for some people.
READ MORE: What Maitlynn Is Thankful For In 2024
The negatives of the holidays can distract from highlighting the core of the days: reminding us what we should be thankful for. It's been a pretty turbulent year for many of us. That's why I wanted to take some time and ask each member of the show to reflect on what they are thankful for this year amongst everything.
So far we've heard from Free Beer, Maitlynn, and Kelly. Today, we're hearing from one-half of the Lovermen, Steve.
Steve had probably the most insightful response so far, which makes sense. Steve is arguably the wisest of everyone on the show, having made many pilgrimages around the world to learn about what it means to be human. For Steve, 2024 was defined by one thing:
That's right, this year Steve is thankful for pants.
As always, I'm thanful for quality pants. Just got a few new paits in fact. Various colors, fits, etc. Life is good with a solid arsenal of pants at your disposal.
Truly introspective work by the Lovermen.
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Gallery Credit: Tommy McNeill
The Pets of Free Beer and Hot Wings
Gallery Credit: Tommy McNeill