Hi Idiots.

A few times on the show now, my appreciation for putting little knick-knacks and other little things in my wallet. What can I say? I like expressing myself through silly little items. Sure, it can be inconvenient to carry everything sometimes and it doesn't really fit in my pocket, but it's a hit when I whip it out at the bar.

As this lovely texter from the 940 put it:

It's not Tommy's fault that life has beat the whimsy and wonder out of all of you.

So, since we discovered my trinkets and the rearview mirror decor infuriated Kelly today, I figured it was time for everyone to decide for themselves if my keychain was too much or not.

Tommy McNeill, Townsquare Media
Tommy McNeill, Townsquare Media

As you can see, each item on my keychain is essential for my everyday use. Each serves a very important purpose, and if you can't see that, you just aren't on the same level as me. Obviously.

Tommy McNeill, Townsquare Media
Tommy McNeill, Townsquare Media

Here are my messy wallet and keys while being held for the idea of them being clumped up. Gulp. The other part of the conversation related to Kelly's disdain for people hanging things from the rearview mirror...which I also do. I'll admit, this is a bit much and even I get bothered by it sometimes.

Tommy McNeill, Townsquare Media
Tommy McNeill, Townsquare Media

It all started with the duck hanging from the mirror and has slowly accumulated more things that hang and slide around whenever I turn. The sponge bob on the window is just obnoxious but I can't bring myself to take it down.

To put a little ribbon on this saga, here's another text that made me laugh:

Tommy don't let the guy who kept stat sheets for RBI baseball or the hubcap king bully you.

Very true. Nerd.

Phone Screener Tommy Gives 4 Tips To Get Your Call On-Air

In a time where text messaging is king, we here are the Free Beer and Hot Wings Morning Show are proud to say we still get well over 100 phone calls every day.

However, due to the number of callers we get, we want to ensure that the callers we CAN get On Air make the most of their time. So Maitlynn and I have come together to give 4 tips to get your call on air effectively. 

Gallery Credit: Tommy McNeill

How Free Beer and Hot Wings Would Do As Pilgrims in 1620

How I think each show member would fare if they were in 1620 trying to live in an unexplored world.

Gallery Credit: Tommy McNeill

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