Hi Idiots.

The Free Beer and Hot Wings Morning Show has been on the air for a very long time, with three of the members having been on since the 2000s. There hasn't been much else they have done nor want to do. Free Beer and Hot Wings have been pretty happy, have been able to help a lot of people, and clearly the show is doing well. A subtle brag.

Yet, one of the most frequently asked questions people send in is "What would you be doing if you weren't on the radio?" Which is a fair question. Especially considering the length of many of the member's careers, you can't help but wonder what could have been if they'd decided to do something else.

Free Beer standing at the front of a classroom
FBHW / Canva

So we're talking about that very question in our latest series. If you missed how Free Beer was THIS close to being a [redacted], you can read about that here. Today, we learn about how Maitlynn got her degree and tried her job out, but knew where her heart ultimately lay.

Maitlynn's Journey

For people who have been listening to the show for a long time, you'll know Maitlynn started as an intern for the show back in 2017ish and worked with the show part-time for a while after that. So considering how much of her time has been spent inside a radio station, one would be led to believe that has been her goal all along.

But the truth is she didn't want to be on the radio at all. From day 1 of her college career, she knew she wanted to do something in media, but the radio wasn't even on her mind (though she says she should have known considering she never shut up in class). She originally intended to do the opposite of radio: photojournalism with a minor in political science.

Photo by Jordan Whitfield on Unsplash
Photo by Jordan Whitfield on Unsplash

The only reason she ended up with FBHW was because she needed an internship and her professor used to be FBHW's sound guy, so she hooked her up with an internship with the Gang. But from the day she set foot in the studio, Mait knew she wanted to be in radio and the rest is history.

FBHW Vacation August 2024

We're back from our August break. Here's how each show member spent it!

Gallery Credit: Tommy McNeill

Free Beer and Hot Wings Idiots for Underdogs Charity Kickball Tournament

On August 17 and 18, the first-ever Idiots4Underdogs Charity Softball & Kickball Tournament took place and it was an absolute hoot. The turnout was great, everyone was good sports, and we raised $4000 for Idiots for Underdogs. All photos were taken by Dawn Elliot.

Gallery Credit: Tommy McNeill

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