Hi Idiots.

In a time where text messaging is king, we here are the Free Beer and Hot Wings Morning Show are proud to say we still get well over 100 phone calls every day. It's super cool having listener interactions and people are more than happy to share their stories every morning. Alexander Graham Bell would be pleased.

Alexander Bell
Getty Images

However, due to the number of callers we get, we want to make sure that the callers we CAN get On Air make the most of their time. So Maitlynn and I have come together to give 4 tips to effectively get your call on air. 

Class is in session.

Photo by Wesley Hilario on Unsplash
Photo by Wesley Hilario on Unsplash

Keep it SHORT with the best details EARLY ON

The goal is to be CONCISE. Start with the most ear-catching part first and then let the gang lead you through the details. The first 1-2 sentences are the most important. This helps Tommy wade through the, ahem, dud calls to get the best ones on air.


Don’t be in a loud environment.

If the first sound a screener hears is screeching, wind, beeping, or any other horrific sounds, you’ll be hung up on. Calls need to sound crispThat means:



• Speakerphone is a HUGE NO

Man using speakerphone.
Getty Images / Canva

No "Bait & Switch"

Don’t tell the screener one thing and then be completely different on air. That is a sure-fire way to waste your time, our time, and the audience's time.

Photo by Yevgeniy Mironov on Unsplash
Photo by Yevgeniy Mironov on Unsplash



Don’t get lost in all the minor details. Nobody cares about the weather the day your story happened, your underwear color, the barometric pressure, etc. MAKE YOUR POINT

Photo by Annika Ashley on Unsplash
Photo by Annika Ashley on Unsplash

We WANT to hear what you have to say. Listeners give the most insightful pieces of commentary and have the funniest story. We just want to make the most of the time we do have together, so follow these tips and we'll all be happy.

The Free Bald and Bald Wings Balding Show

Bald is beautiful.

Gallery Credit: Tommy McNeill

ChatGPT Roasted Each Show Member's Instagram Feeds

Everyone treats their social media accounts differently. Some choose to post with no style involved, with others meticulously coordinate each post on their account. We had AI determine if our profiles were worth looking at our something to mock.

Gallery Credit: Tommy McNeill

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