What Would Hot Wings Do Besides Radio? It’s A Surprise To No One
Hi Idiots.
The Free Beer and Hot Wings Morning Show has been on the air for a very long time, with three of the members having been on since the 2000s. There hasn't been much else they have done nor want to do. Free Beer and Hot Wings have been pretty happy, have been able to help a lot of people, and clearly the show is doing well. A subtle brag.
Yet, one of the most frequently asked questions people send in is "What would you be doing if you weren't on the radio?" Which is a fair question. Especially considering the length of many of the member's careers, you can't help but wonder what could have been if they'd decided to do something else.
So we're talking about that very question in our latest series. If you missed Maitlynn's wild journey to where she is today, you can read about that here. Today, we're taking a look into what Hot Wings always envisioned himself doing.
"I have no marketable skills"
Do you remember those personality job tests you'd take in high school where it matched you with what job you'd be best at based on a series of questions? Well, Hot Wings' results said he'd be best suited to be an orthodontist or architect (do you see him being either of these?)
READ MORE: The Conversation That Created The Free Beer and Hot Wings Show |
However, it was a random assignment in his 9th-grade English class that put him on the path he's on today. For class, Hot Wings had to host a fake radio station. He wrote all the commercial spoofs, and at the time he was a big introvert, but when he heard everyone laughing at his commercials, he knew right then and there he wanted to be on radio.
"I had no fallback...I have to f#^$ing succeed!"
and that's what he did! He ended his grand tale saying, "If I didn't have this, I don't know what I'd be doing," which is kind of cool (or scary) to have been so invested in your dream that you made it work. The rest is history.
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Gallery Credit: Tommy McNeill
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Gallery Credit: Tommy McNeill
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