Kelly and Her ‘Beautiful Dump Truck’ Voice
Hi Idiots.
We live in a world where people are constantly sharing how they feel and commenting on every little thing. On one hand, it can be incredibly informative and uplifting when it is used for something good. On the other hand, people can feel emboldened to say hateful and flat-out disrespectful things while they hide behind a screen.
Sometimes, however, something falls squarely in the middle and is sort of open to interpretation. For Kelly Cheese, this is one of those moments. I asked some members of the show about a time when they received a compliment that stuck with them, and they gave great answers (that will be shared in time).
For me, I was working at a new job and was whistling and someone came up and told me that I was really good at it and that I sounded like a sailor. It was unexpected and I've never forgotten it. For Kelly, hers is a very Kelly sort of compliment:
One time, someone told me my voice sounded like a beautiful dump truck, and honestly, it makes sense.
Now, I don't know about you, but the moment I heard that I instantly understood and instantly agreed. I'd say Kelly has the potential to say some very eloquent and constructive things...and in the same exact breath say something truly obscene and unexpected. Or, there are just too many words coming out to make much sense of anything.
A perfect example of this is the liner where Kelly discusses dog nails looking like sea glass. What do you think it means, and how accurate is that statement? Let us know!
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